Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Inspiration from Unlikely Places...

I have to admit that I love photography books.  I love books on technique, lighting, composition, documentary photography, and non-technical books with lots of photographs in them that I can just stare at for hours.  I find that some of my greatest inspiration comes from very unlikely books, books that you might not ordinarily turn to when thinking of getting advice on photography.

One such book is the fabulous Dior in Vogue by Brigid Keenan.  First published in 1981, it features photographs of Dior fashions that appeared in Vogue magazine from 1947-1957.  If you have any interest in fantastic posing and lighting, this book will certainly be of interest.  Though obviously dated, it is classic, and features some really beautiful photographs from some of the top fashion photographers of the time.  I actually found the book on the free shelf of a local bookstore a few years ago, but I see now that it is actually not cheap!  You can check it out here:

So check your local Goodwill, yard sales, etc.  You never know where your inspiration might come from!

Until we meet again,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Painting With Photoshop! A Great New Class for Summer...

I cannot draw or paint.  I just can't.  Photography, now that's my thing.  But most of the other members of my talented family can draw quite well, so I always felt left out.  Zac Trainor has just the solution for me and others like me: painting with Photoshop!  It's true, you can learn to "paint" using Photoshop!  Learn and experiment with painting tools and techniques to create original digital works of your own. Start from a blank canvas or work on converting a photograph or image into your own painterly vision.  It's going to be a great class, lots of creative fun, and we'll be starting it in July.  I can see it not only being beneficial for art lovers and creative sorts, but also for portrait and wedding photographers to learn how to create interesting backgrounds for photos or even learn to paint photos that you have taken and transform them into something really unique for your clients.  I'm signing up for sure, so come join me and learn a new Photoshop skill!

The class will run from July 19th thru August 9th, from 6:30-8:30 pm.  For more information or to sign up, call us at 336-723-7395, or click here:

Flightlogue digitally painted by Zac Trainor

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Radical Camera

If you are not familiar with The Radical Camera, you should be. The New York Photo League existed from 1936 until 1951 and produced some fantastic photos from some of the premier documentary photographers of the 20th Century.  Check out this link for more information:
Until we meet again,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Forsyth Photo Adventure Contest!

Check out a great way to have fun in Forsyth County while honing your photography skills!  AND earn a chance to win an iPad! 
Happy Shooting!