Saturday, November 17, 2012

Photo Challenge!

Yes, folks, we are bringing back the blog to introduce our new photo challenge!  For those involved with the Sawtooth Photo League, we are introducing a photographic challenge each month that you can choose to participate in or not.  It may be a phrase, an iconic photograph, or a piece of art.  It is your challenge to interpret the assignment photographically, either literally or in your own style.  Use it as an opportunity to stretch your imagination and your photography skills, but most of all, have fun with it!

For our December 15th meeting, we are using a familiar holiday phrase as our challenge: But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight...

You can interpret that phrase photographically in any way that you would like!  I'm also going to throw a twist and add a photograph to recreate.  This one's from It's a Wonderful Life:

You can choose to recreate the phrase, the photo, both, or none!  It's up to you!  Good luck, and I'll see you Photo Leaguers on December 15th!

Until we meet again,